20 Lord Krishna Quotes
For meaningful and powerful and Inspirational Krishna Quotes continue reading below.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!One of the most popular incarnations of Lord Vishnu, Krishna is believed to be the epitome of the human form. Among all the incarnations of Lord Vishnu, he is the one who is supposed to possess all the ’16 kalaas’ (16 virtues), that is why he is referred to as ‘sampoorna avatar (the complete incarnation).
From his birth in a prison to his death at the hands of a hunter, Krishna’s life has been full of struggle. The only respite being his childhood that he spent in Gokul and Vrindavan, where he was loved by all villagers. As he grew older, he moved to Mathura, where he had to face Kamsa, his maternal uncle. He killed Kamsa, but after that, he could never return to Vrindavan.
The second phase of Krishna’s life was during the time of Mahabharata. The Pandavas were related to Krishna, since they were on the right path, Krishna was with them. Just before the war between the cousins, Pandaav Prince had a feeling of guilt looking at his relatives on the other side, with whom he was supposed to fight and kill them.
Due to guilt feeling, his bow, Gandeev, started to slip out of his hands and he started feeling weak. He refused to fight the war. It was at this critical juncture; Lord Krishna bestowed him with the diving knowledge about life, duties and the truth about the soul.
This divine gyaan is available to us in the form of the Bhagavad Gita. This great epic stands like a lighthouse to guide mankind when caught in any kind of dilemma.His teachings are very practical and applicable to everyone and on a daily basis. It teaches us the difference between us and HIM (the god) and encourages us to keep doing our duties without worrying about the results. Read Krishna Quotes below. Lord
Krishna Quotes and Teachings:
Given below is a collection of 20 of his most beautiful and most powerful quotes and teachings. These quotes appeal to humankind even today. Whenever you are in doubt, you can read these quotes, and every time, you will get a new meaning of the same quote. Krishna Quotes. You may also send these quotes to your loved ones as a good morning wish or whenever they need them.
20 Lord Krishna Quotes (English & Hindi)
“Set your heart upon your work, but never on its reward.”
“कर्म पर अपना ध्यान लगाओ, लेकिन उसके फल पर नहीं।”
“A person can rise through the efforts of their own mind; they can also degrade themselves by the same mind.”
“व्यक्ति अपने मन के प्रयासों से उठ सकता है और उसी मन से नीचे गिर सकता है।”
“When a man dwells on the objects of the senses, he develops an attachment to them.”
“जब मनुष्य इंद्रियों के विषयों में लिप्त होता है, तो वह उनके प्रति आसक्ति विकसित करता है।”
“Surrender all actions to me, with your mind intent on the Self.”
“सभी कर्मों को मुझमें समर्पित कर दो, और अपने मन को आत्मा में स्थिर करो।”
“Change is the law of the universe. You can be a millionaire or a pauper in an instant.”
“परिवर्तन इस ब्रह्मांड का नियम है। आप एक पल में करोड़पति या गरीब हो सकते हैं।”
“He who has no attachments can truly love others, for his love is pure and divine.”
“जो व्यक्ति आसक्तियों से मुक्त है, वही सच्चे अर्थों में प्रेम कर सकता है, क्योंकि उसका प्रेम पवित्र और दिव्य होता है।”
“The soul is neither born, and nor does it die.”
“आत्मा न तो जन्म लेती है और न ही मरती है।”
“Calmness, gentleness, silence, self-restraint, and purity: these are the disciplines of the mind.”
“शांति, सौम्यता, मौन, आत्म-संयम और पवित्रता: ये मन के अनुशासन हैं।”
“Perform your duty and abandon all attachment to success or failure. Such evenness of mind is called yoga.”
“अपना कर्तव्य करो और सफलता या असफलता से जुड़े सभी आसक्तियों को त्याग दो। मन की ऐसी समानता को योग कहते हैं।”
“Do everything you have to do, but not with greed, not with ego, not with lust, and not with envy.”
“जो भी करना है, करो, लेकिन लालच, अहंकार, वासना और ईर्ष्या से नहीं।”
“A man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he becomes.”
“मनुष्य अपने विश्वास से बनता है। जैसा वह विश्वास करता है, वैसा ही वह बन जाता है।”
“The mind is restless and difficult to restrain, but it is subdued by practice.”
“मन अशांत और नियंत्रित करना कठिन है, लेकिन इसे अभ्यास से वश में किया जा सकता है।”
“The power of God is with you at all times, through the activities of mind, senses, breathing, and emotions.”
“भगवान की शक्ति हमेशा आपके साथ है, मन, इंद्रियों, सांस और भावनाओं की गतिविधियों के माध्यम से।”
“Among thousands of men, one may strive for perfection; and among those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows me in truth.”
“हजारों में से एक व्यक्ति पूर्णता के लिए प्रयास करता है; और जो पूर्णता प्राप्त कर लेते हैं, उनमें से शायद ही कोई मुझे सच्चाई में जानता है।”
“The wise sees knowledge and action as one; they see truly.”
“बुद्धिमान व्यक्ति ज्ञान और कर्म को एक समान देखता है; वह वास्तव में देखता है।”
“Fear not. What is not real never was and never will be. What is real always was and cannot be destroyed.”
“डरो मत। जो असत्य है, वह कभी नहीं था और न ही कभी होगा। जो सत्य है, वह हमेशा था और नष्ट नहीं हो सकता।”
“To those who have conquered themselves, the will is their friend. But it is the enemy of those who have not found the Self within them.”
“जिन्होंने खुद को जीत लिया है, उनके लिए मन मित्र है। लेकिन जो आत्मा को नहीं जानते, उनके लिए यह शत्रु है।”
“You have the right to perform your duties but are not entitled to the fruits of your actions.”
“तुम्हें केवल अपने कर्तव्यों का पालन करने का अधिकार है, लेकिन उनके फलों पर कोई अधिकार नहीं।”
“Whatever happened was good. What’s happening is going well. Whatever will happen will also be good. Do not worry about the future.”
“जो हुआ अच्छा हुआ। जो हो रहा है अच्छा हो रहा है। जो होगा वह भी अच्छा ही होगा। भविष्य की चिंता मत करो।”
“The meaning of karma is in the intention. The intention behind the action is what matters.”
“कर्म का अर्थ उसकी मंशा में है। कर्म के पीछे की भावना ही मायने रखती है।”